About us

Ghpluzz provides the latest News, Entertainment, Celebrities buzz, Music updates and Lifestyle buzz. Our aim to give our visitors the best of information circulating around us.

We provide you with the latest breaking news, entertainment, music and videos coming from the industry. Our content is more engaging which drives social conversation.

We aim at providing our highly cherished visitors with the latest News, Entertainment, Celebrity gossips and lifestyle tips that is circulating in Ghana and African continent.

We wish to inform our visitors to involve in sharing our content. Also follow our channel on YouTube for more news and entertaining stories that is trending in Ghana and beyond.

Ghpluzz.com is in the best position to bring to our readers latest, quality and engaging content that they would love. We are currently running as one of the best entertainment sites in Ghana. Connect with Founder, Salam Kane below!

Email:  [email protected] or
[email protected]
Call or whatsapp:  +233246060951
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